Café conversations have been curated by our team through years of research with new parents and guardians. We have developed these conversation starters based on what we have found parents and guardians want to talk about most - but of course they are only a guide!

Café conversations are designed to start a discussion between you and others on topics related to being a new parent/guardian. Each conversation starter has a topic heading for your chat and guiding questions.

Café Conversations

Parents/guardians often want to know what's "normal" for their baby...but ever baby is unique!

No 1 normal for babies

Advice about parenting comes from many sources. It can be difficult to juggle so much information and decide what information to trust. Parents know their babies best.

Trust your gut

Relationships are important, especially during life transitions. Feeling supported can provide confidence for new parents.


Every mother/parents’ experience of postpartum is unique – their feelings, body, energy levels, and stresses

No 1 normal for parents